The Japanese Evacuation and the Minority Problem, Samuel Nagata, [n.d.]
While confined at Heart Mountain, Samuel Nagata published this seven-page pamphlet describing the "mass evacuation of Japanese from the Pacific Coast States" as a "vital issue." He describes its negative impact on issei, or first-generation immigrants who traveled to "America, the Promised Land" and also details the thousands of students, "loyal American citizens" who were forced to stop their schooling. Its closing pages contain a plea for "understanding, justice and sympathy." The pamphlet features cover art by artist Miné Okubo, renowned for her book Citizen 13660.
Walter Millsap / Keikichi Akana Imamura Family Papers, WA MSS S-1590, BRBL.
Pamphlet by Samuel Nagata, illustration by Miné Okubo